

Complete Procedure about How to register a Firm at Registrar of firm Office :

 Complete Procedure about How to register a Firm at Registrar of Firm Office:

A partnership of two or more than two-person to carry out a business.

How to Register a firm
How to Register a firm 



Bank deposit slip

Partners details

Business Address

Business Letter Head

Copies of National Identity Cards

Utility Bill

Office ownership document or rent deed

Partnership Deed etc, are the basic documents requires to register the partnership firm.

Partnership Deed:

A Partnership deed is the document was written between the parties, who agreed to perform/do a business jointly under the existing laws.

In partnership deed all details of business and liabilities are describes in details and business is registered under the provisions of the partnership Act, 1932.

It contains all the details like party’s particulars, office address, share, capital, nature of the business, accounts, solution of the dispute, duration of business, etc.

Registration:   partnership is registered in the office of the registrar firms, whose office is present in every  district after completing all relevant detailed procedure.


The document that issued by the registrar, firms is called “form c” as proof of registration.

Registration in FBR:

Every partner of the firm get registered with the FBR and Business itself registered as a legal person including business NTN

Bank Certificate:  A firm maintains its account in a bank.

Chamber of commerce:  A chamber of commerce is a business forum where business owners get registered, although registration of chamber of commerce is not mandatory but it plays a key role to discuss, solve the problems of the business.  It provides a lot of opportunities to the business about the new ideas, for this purpose different workshops regularly conducted under the chamber of commerce at different occasion.


            THIS DEED OF PARTNERSHIP is made and executed on this 8th day of February, 2021 in Lahore by and between:

1.                   --------------- S/o  ---------------, A resident of  ---------------, present residing at Office No. ---------------.

2.                  --------------- S/o ….., Resident of Street No. ---------------, District Faisalabad, present residing at Office No. ---------------

WHEREAS both the parties to this deed, with mutual consent and understanding, have agreed to constitute a partnership firm to carry on partnership business on certain terms & conditions which the parties wish to reduce in writing in the following manner:

1.          NAME

That the name and style of the partnership shall be “Friends Law Firm”.

2.         PLACE

That the business of firm shall be carried on, in Pakistan with the head office at Office No. 12, Main Jee Plaza  Haq Street  second floor Nauman Chaudhry  Road adjacent to Trust Hospital 45- B, Lahore, and on such other places or places as may be mutually agreed by the parties.

3.         BUSINESS

That business of the partnership firm shall be providing legal services to its clients etc


That the profit/loss arising out of the business shall be divided amongst the partners in the following ratio:-

                Advocate Imran Ali Satti          50%

                Muhammad Bilal Satti                50%

            Total                                         100%


That  --------------- shall be the Managing Partner of the partnership firm, who shall be authorized to carry on and promote the business of the firm with all powers and authorities conferred to him by the other partner.

6.         ACCOUNTS

That the proper and regular accounts of the affairs and transactions of the partnership shall be maintained and kept at the principal place of the business of the partnership. The annual Balance sheet and profit/loss account shall be prepared under the supervision of both partners.

7.         BANK ACCOUNT

That bank account or accounts of the Firm shall be opened in the name of the Firm and shall be operated by Managing Partner, however in the absence of Managing Partner the another partner is authorized to operate the account on the basis of either or survivor.

8.         NOTICE

That the partnership may be dissolved by either party upon serving Notice not less than 4 months prior notice in writing and after the settlement of accounts, the firm would stand dissolved or the shares of the said partner shall be transferred to any of the above-interested party at his own cost.

9.         GOODWILL

At the time of termination of the partnership or at the retirement of a partner, the goodwill of the firm shall be valued by mutual consent failing which the matter shall be referred to the umpire appointed by the partners with their mutual consent, whose decision would be final. 

10.       INSPECTION

The partners shall have free excess over the Firm’s accounts, documents, and records at reasonable times.

11.        TAX

That firm and each partner shall bear their own liabilities of tax. 


That the firm will be registered with Registrar of Firms in due course of time.

13.        ARBITRATION

That in case of any a dispute amongst the partners in respect of the conduct of the business of the partnership or in respect of interpretation, operation, or enforcement of any of the terms or conditions of this deed or in respect of any other matter, cause or thing, whatsoever not herein otherwise provided for the same shall be referred to the umpire appointed with the mutual consent of both the partners, whose decision would be final.

14.       GENERAL

That no partner shall carry on alike business affecting the business of the firm without the consent in writing of the other partner in respect thereof. All other provisions of the partnership Act, 1932 applicable to the firms, not contained herein shall also apply except those written in the deed. Any change, if needed, (for example enhancement of the partners, ejectment of the partners etc.) in the constitution of the firm shall be made as a mutual agreement amongst the partners.That this partnership firm shall be deemed to have taken effect from the 8th day of February 2021.

16.       TERMS

That the partnership is “AT WILL”, however, both the partners are mutually agreed that in the event of the death of any partner the firm shall not be dissolved and shall continue the business with mutual consent of the legal heirs of the partner.

            IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties set their respective hands on this deed of partnership this 8th day of February 2021, in the presence of the witnesses named below.







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