Sellers,Buyers and Registering/Trandferring authority of
immovable prooperty Can pay Withholding tax u/s236 of the Income Tax ordinance
2001 and get a Computerized payment receipt (cpr) issued by National Bank or
State Bank of Pakistan.
Steps to follow:
1. Login to FBR via
2.Login by ID and password by clicking on Login button.
3.Click on E-Payment and under the create payment option select the Direct
Tax menu.
4.Make sure to select the correct payment year and payment
5. Click on the Direct Tax link
6. select Tax on the sale of immovable property
7. Select 107-236-WHT @ 0.5% on the sale of immovable property
as payment
8.Check that the entries are correct
9. Enter the Total amount and particular
10.Click on create option
11. Review details and click on confirm
12. print PSID and pay the tax amount in designated bank branch
14. After Payment attach Cpr and fill IT-5 application form.
2.Notice under section 182(2) for tax year 2020
i)Revise your tax return.
ii)Tax under section 236 deducted at the time of registration of property,add and declare the deducted tax.
RTO…………..( write Address given at
your Notice)
of Notice 182(2) and u/s176 for default of Section 236 of income
Tax ordinance, 2001
Dear Sir,
This refers to your notice bearing number
……(write the number of your
notice) dated..(write date of notice
alongwith the specific year). In this notice I have been asked to reply that
you have not filed wealth Statement. So as you have violated the law then why not the penal provisions should
be invoked/imposed for late/not filing of income tax return for the
year(mention year).
i) That the tax return was not filed due to internet problem as in last dates the
Iris was
so slow and often not worked properly.
ii) That the non-filing was
not intentionally.
ii)Now, i have filed my tax return or wealth
statement( choose any one relevant
to your notice) that you may verify.
iii) That I have replied to your notice as
well as I have filed my return without awaiting the deadline.
iv)Just to consider that the
reply is not satisfactory and to impose penalty or to penalize is not an act of justice
Note: These are general grounds ,you can add or alter according to your requirements
Its humbly prayed that the non-filing/late filing (select your relevant)
was not willful but due to un-avoidable circumstances that i have narrated
above, so its requested that the notice number……… dated ……year issued to me ,should be withdrawn .
I am ready to furnish/submit the documents or reply as and when required.
Yours truly,
Name………father/husband name
Contact Number……….